Monday, March 17, 2008

Turkey Taco Chili - 3.5 pts

This is a great recipe I got off the back of a package of lean ground turkey, but I can't remember what brand and can't seem to find the recipe online anywhere. This means I get to take credit! Hooray!

This chili tastes a lot like tacos, mostly because of the cumin and is actually quite healthy. Just 3.5 pts for 1 cup, and a cup filled me even pre-WW. If you wanna go all-out, add a quarter a cup (dollop) of fat free yogurt in place of sour cream (add .5 pts) or a quarter cup fat free cottage cheese (1 pt). With such a light meal, you can really afford to add to it.

This is also a little mild, so if you want to be really bold, use hot salsa and switch up the 1 tbsp chili powder with .5 tbsp chili powder and .5 tbsp cayenne pepper. I gotta say, if you go over that proportion, you're gonna be sitting in heat. I love spice, but found it practically inedible the time I though that chili powder=cayenne pepper. It really does not.

Turkey Taco Chili
Origin unknown

1 tsp olive oil
1 onion chopped
3 cloves minced or pressed garlic
1.25 lbs ground turkey
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp cumin
2 tsp salt
1 x 28oz can stewed or diced tomatoes
1 x 14.5oz can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
3/4 c salsa or picante sauce

Cook onion and garlic in olive oil 5 minutes. Add turkey and spices and cook 5 more minutes. Add everything else and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer uncovered 10 mninutes, stirring occasionally.

3.5 points per 1 c serving (1/6 batch): 204 calories, 5.4g fiber, 1.6g fat

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